Friday, July 6, 2012


If you are going to Venice and your worried that the iconic Gondalar with a singing Italian aboard may be just a legend and there not actully every where, well they are! and the singing Italians!

Down all of Venices streets there are river like roads with bridges. There are no cars in Venice everybody gets around by a boat.

I dont know what he was singing about but its such a great language!

Apparently it takes a gondalar driver 7 years to qualify! Due to the narrow river passages and difficulty in moving it. Takes just as long to be a pilot!

I ordered a taxi! What is this!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

St. Marks Square

Not far from the dock you enter St. Marks square and the beautiful St Marks Campanile tower. (Again any fans of assassins creed 2 will know this tower). Was a massive tower bigger than the one i went in, in Verona was a great site to see.

Right opposite it is St. Marks Basilica. A magnificent church rounded on top and square and pointed round the edges.

It was very busy in this square and i was just amazed at how stunning it all looked and how strange it was to be finally stood in Venice.

Under St. Marks Piazza is this rather strange walk way. Really liked the roof carvings.

Lots of pidgings in the square.

It is a historic and grand building shame that they are begining to put a billboard up here. What is the world coming too seriously.

The strangest thing about Venice was there was water spilling up from the grates where ever you walked, due to the city floating on water. Suprised it hasn't sunk yet, i bet a lot of building work goes on daily to sort it all out.

The Piazza.
Not pizza, Piazza.

Italians are of the Christian religeon and the church was heavily painted with stories from the bible, all churches are but you knew these ones were extra special.

These bronze horses were given as a gift to the church, cant remember why, they are important anyway.

So far Venice has impressed!


Welcome to Venice or in the language 'Venezia'. Probbly one of the most iconic cities in the world purely floating on water. We had to get there by boat and on are approach we saw Venices Panorama. Beautiful white buildings, historic churches and...advertising? What ruined venices landscape was big billboards advertising things like phones and televisions.

Couldn't waite to dock in the city, was deffenetly a place i've always wanted to see.

We arrived on the busy dock of Venice. There were lots of people it was insane and very hot. On are approach the boat driver told us to look out for pick pockets because there were suppose to be many of them. It felt safe enough though we did see two police pursuing one man.

Now looking down these buildings is what venice is all about, the houses narrow and sepperated by small rivers, with curved bridges curled over the water.

But where are all the...Theres one! The famous Venecian Gondalar. There were plenty of them scattered through Venice.

Are tour guide with the orange umbrella took us round the complicated streets and to all the main sites.