Friday, June 22, 2012

Lamberti tower

The final place we visited in Verona was just this tower called the Lamberti tower. Had a clock on it and looked pretty cool but then we realised you could pay to go up it. So we thought why not...

We climbed the long, spiralling, dark staircase to the top of the tower...

Then we looked at the view...


I dont think i had ever seen such a beautiful view of a city in my life. The city was littered with browny, orange tiled roofs and giant churches.

It was a long way down and much higher then it looked at the bottem. Made me feel dizzy.

I looked at this view for ages, there was so much to see and so much beauty in all its many buildings. (If you've ever played the game 'Assassins creed 2' set in Italy you will find this as the real life version of it).

Hmmm. If an earthquake hit now?

I was truly amazed at this landscape, was just stunning.

What a privlidge ive had to visit such a place.


It ended up been the best place we visited in Verona, which goes to show that sometimes you need to explore more to find the best things. Ill never forget this view and i have the photos to keep.

Giuliette's Balcony

Verona is ovcourse home to Romeo and Giuliette and the famous Giuliette's balcony is one of the main tourist attractions.

This is the Balcony. It does look nice and romantic and the setting is very beautful but i was expecting more really. People qued up to get there picture taken on it, but wasn't that great. You can't see on this picture but there are lots of people, its a very popular site.

I was more amazed at the wall of Love. On the tunnel down to the balcony there are two long white walls where people are aloud to write love messages on. Its a nice idea and very romantic. My girlfriend wasn't present but i scribbled us down.

Grafiti artists are all romantics.

It was a nice tribute to love and to show are appretiation for those we love, i enjoyed reading the messages.

The Amphitheatre

There are many sites to see in Verona but the most famous has got to be the Amphitheatre. The large colosieum shaped opera stadium basically. I couldn't waite to see it but when i did i was suprised to see it wasn't as big as i imagined. Still impressive but i was expecting huge like that colosieum on the film 'Gladiator'.

It was fantastic though how it sat in the middle of this very modern Italian setting.

The architecture was also brilliant with its arches. It looked more like a museam though then a historical building though. Thats because its still open to the public.

Inside was more amazing! It did look huge from this angle! Reminded me off been in the Chinese olimpic stadium last year.

It was a bit of a shame the place was still a building site though. This historical looking part on top of the Amphitheatre was actully built recently, yet they built it to look old, i suppose it fits in with the rest of it but its kind of cheating.

But anyway it was an amazing place to see and gave the sense of the history of Italy with the Roman empire.

Panoramic view of the stadium in all its glory.

 They still put on operas here, must be amazing to see one in this kind of stadium. You can probbly hear it from outside as well, that would keep you up at night. Wonder what happens if it rains though?

This will of been where the emperor watched. Release the Tigers!


The next place we needed to go see was the beautiful town of Verona! Home to Romeo and Guliette. We again got a coach down to the city. The architecture and landscape was completely different to Garda though it was still very Italian.

The buildings were bigger, the streets wider and there were many people. It felt more of a city where as Lake Garda did feel like a holiday resort.

There was still the colourful buildings and cobbled roads.

It still had its quite narrow back streets only full of modern shops rather then stalls.

I remember it was scorching hot in Verona and we had to stop for a drink under shade every hour or so.

You could tell there was a lot of culture in Verona and by this river i finally had my first huge slice of propper Italian pizza! yum!

Just working on my tan...

Stunning city and almost looks like something from a fairytale.

Lake Garda resort

We stayed in a really nice hotel with an all inclusive breakfast and meals each day which were cooked superbly. This was are swimming pool which when touring we spent most of our time.

Wasn't a very busy pool so you could always get sun beds and play in the pool without it been over crowded. Was very hot every day in Italy and theres nothing better then to dip in a pool on a morning.

At night there was sometimes street singers or once there was a show. but the best bit is buying a cocktail in one of the bars overlooking the lake and chill out. Heres my Blue Lagoon drink.

Was lovely scenery, the service was good, the drinks tasty and you got a free complimetary bowl of crisps at your table.

Monte Baldo

Here i am a top Monte Baldo! We waited in a hour and a half long que then went on the longest, highest cable car to reach the top of the enourmous mountain. Was lovely at the top with some spectacular views, i had to take many pictures. Was very cloudy on top, probbly because we were so high, but the views were suppose to have been clearer.

It didn't ruin the views for me because it was misty i thought it added to the experience.

The fact that the clouds touched the tops of the mountains we were stood on was amazing. It helped show how high it was and how close we were to the sky.

When the clouds shifted the blue sky shone through and the view was terrific. You could see the blue lake stretch across the mountains below us and the clouds, hovering above, crawling up the mountain side. To describe it isn't enough its the best place i have ever been, Its deffenetly the highest place i have ever stood, excluding been on a plane ovcourse.

You literally are on top of the world!

Looking down over the cliff side you could see the huge lake and a very tinny Malcesine village! If you fell off here!

They are the largest mountains i've ever seen and dwarf the ones in Scotland.

How did i get here?

On top of Monte Baldo was a cafe called Alex bar! What are the odds! Imagine coming up here for your 9 till 5 job every day!

Was a great experience on Monte Baldo and one of the most beautiful and breath taking views i've ever seen.


On the second day after a nice dip in the pool we headed on a coach towards the Italian alps and to Monte Baldo one of the biggest mountains in the area. On the coach there, there was some stunning scenery, crisp blue lakes and lush mountains.

Theres a Yacht party and i'm not invited...

We arrived in the town of Malcesine. was another beautiful Italian village full of colourful buildings and nice views.  

Was red hot constantly. Never took my shorts off! I really like this picture, the aqua green lake looks so inviting.

Just look at that pure beauty!

The village was nice and the Italians friendly, i did see a few waving there hands around like i wondered if they did, and even heard a woman say "Mama mia"! Great to here a geniuine Italian Mama mia! The village laid in the shadow of Monte Baldo and we couldn't waite to get up it.

The Italians know how to make a great postcard. Placing a castle on top of the biggest hill in the village, smart and beautiful.