Friday, June 22, 2012


The next place we needed to go see was the beautiful town of Verona! Home to Romeo and Guliette. We again got a coach down to the city. The architecture and landscape was completely different to Garda though it was still very Italian.

The buildings were bigger, the streets wider and there were many people. It felt more of a city where as Lake Garda did feel like a holiday resort.

There was still the colourful buildings and cobbled roads.

It still had its quite narrow back streets only full of modern shops rather then stalls.

I remember it was scorching hot in Verona and we had to stop for a drink under shade every hour or so.

You could tell there was a lot of culture in Verona and by this river i finally had my first huge slice of propper Italian pizza! yum!

Just working on my tan...

Stunning city and almost looks like something from a fairytale.

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