Tuesday, June 12, 2012

China 2010


We had a long flight and stopped off in Dubai to then catch another plain. I think we were on planes for 8 hours in total. I didn't sleep at all, i couldn't, i stayed up and watched films on the back of someones chair. We arrived in Bejing Airport at midnight. The groom of the wedding then picked us up. The airport was quiet and in the car to are hotel Bejing didn't look much different to England really except the buildings had chinese letters on. It was dark though. In the morning we looked out of are hotel window at the view of China. It looked much different to England!

This was the Novotel Peace hotel we stayed in,  was beautiful inside and very posh. Every morning we got breakfast, was mainly english food like eggs and bacon, obviously for our benefit.

Chinese buildings look much grander then ares, they are covered in chinese characters and some of the iconic points pyramid type roof.

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