Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We began exploring Bejing after a good breakfast. The first place on are mind was the well known silk market. This is the outside of it, i didnt take any pictures inside but basically its a massive market, not a shopping centre just 5 floors of little market like shops full of knock off bags, purses, cloths, electronics, everything! Every stall tries grabbing you into there shop and asking you what you want to buy from them, some times we had to just push are way through crowds of people, was insane. everything is bargained for as well. they always start at a high price but with some good bargaining we were walking out with fake rolex watches for 50 Juan which is £5 over here. is an insanely strange shopping experience, its exhausting but a great experience with great deals.

Bejing was beautiful, the roads were busy, cars constantly honking there horns and yes there were 9 million bycicles in Bejing. haha

Traffic is much more crazy then over here they just drive anywhere. we were on a chinese motor way when the driver did a U turn in the middle!! Was terrifing! They probbly think where all too soft over here.

Bejing was very modern in some ways it was like London and perhaps New York but had a very Asian feel to it.

There are lots of tall sky scrapers, its not all old fashioned in China.

This was are main shopping street in Bejing. was full of gift shops, cloths shops, everything. lots of british shops like H&M and Jack Jones as well which seems slightly surreal but thats how China is very diverse and a lot of them know English. Its not all shops and restaurants though, it all looks modern and normal till you go down a side road...

There were some fantastic little market alleys selling strange chinese stuff like this tasty appertiser. SCORPIONS on sticks! Live ones! They just deap fry them and give them to people. It's amazing the culture difference. I didn't try one but kind of wished i had now, would of been great to say i ate a scorpion. They also had Lizards, Sea horses and star fish on sticks! Whats going on here!

I stuck to a nicer looking food in the restaurants. It all comes in a buffay style, no order a meal each. it all comes as one and yes there are chop sticks! They were fun to eat with, didn't find it hard. Was really nice food, didn't taste like chinese food over here but its just as yummy!

Some very colouful little street markets.

It may sound stupid but China is full of Chinese people. What i mean is we didnt see any other race of people while we stayed there, think we saw one Australian guy and thats it. Which means you stand out in a crowd, every person starest you as if you have bright blue hair and a top hat on. Its kind of strange but its just different for them. The chinese people though have to be the most friendlist people in the world though and their so helpful.

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