Friday, June 22, 2012

Lamberti tower

The final place we visited in Verona was just this tower called the Lamberti tower. Had a clock on it and looked pretty cool but then we realised you could pay to go up it. So we thought why not...

We climbed the long, spiralling, dark staircase to the top of the tower...

Then we looked at the view...


I dont think i had ever seen such a beautiful view of a city in my life. The city was littered with browny, orange tiled roofs and giant churches.

It was a long way down and much higher then it looked at the bottem. Made me feel dizzy.

I looked at this view for ages, there was so much to see and so much beauty in all its many buildings. (If you've ever played the game 'Assassins creed 2' set in Italy you will find this as the real life version of it).

Hmmm. If an earthquake hit now?

I was truly amazed at this landscape, was just stunning.

What a privlidge ive had to visit such a place.


It ended up been the best place we visited in Verona, which goes to show that sometimes you need to explore more to find the best things. Ill never forget this view and i have the photos to keep.

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