Friday, October 14, 2011


Nice Yacht view here. Would love to own one some day but would probbly never use it. These people must be rich though to live some where like this.

Another safari zoo

 Just some typical spanish food here. In spain you can pretty much find any type of english food, like fish and chips, beef burgers, pizza stuff like that. Dont think ive ever had actual Spanish food like Tapas.

 Another Safari like zoo here. Loved this Hippo, couldnt believe how big it was, one of the most deadlist animals right infront of me.

 Went to see a large cat show. I thought it was quite cruel really the tigers, lepords and stuff didnt want to be there. But have to give credit to the lion tamer. He had guts this mountain lion was trying to take his head off.

I saw Madgascar the movie, but it was this photo that made me love Leema's :)

Majorca beaches

Very busy beach here. Sea was packed. Looks like a great day for Jaws tocome along. Love the colours in this picture.

Love sand sculptures who ever does them my hat goes off to you.


Me in Majorca now in 2007 another nice spanish place. Very hot and lots of beaches.  

More animals in spain

10 points for who can tell me what this monkey is? or is it an alien? I dont know.

A rather sinister looking owl

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Tigers, love tigers. Usually when you go to a zoo the tigers are usually lazing around in the sun but these were the most energetic tigers ive ever seen. Jumping up at the glass. was great

Still cant believe the size of them, look at its head. Georgeous creature.

"Shake my hand"

Looks refreshing.

Spain Safari

Love animals and Zoo's must go to a zoo every holiday, this one was a bit different was more like a safari.

You cant tell by looking but this bridge was really high, was quite scary to walk along and over looked some Buffalo

Is this one laughing?

Every body loves Elephants look how happy they look.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Waves of Spain

Portduquesa beach here. Nothing special really, but the waves were huge. Best thing about the sea side in my opinion is been in the water when there massive waves like these. Enjoy a little boogie boarding.

Fish in the sea

Nice picture here of a man whoes caught a load of fish. Hanging them out, must be a horrible sight for the other fish to see this. haha. "I see dead fish".

Dont know what these fish are but there was loads of them at the Marina. There pretty huge aswell.

Think this is a Blennie. Love Blennies there like big water dragons. A fisher man had caught this on his hook.

Spainish Swimming pool

This was are pool in Portduquesa. Nothing better than when you’re in the heat of a Spanish day and you can jump in a big pool like this. I like the Spanish architecture in this picture. It’s almost like a jigsaw puzzle of buildings.

Golf course

I went on this holiday like most holidays with my family of 5. The hotel we stayed in over looked a sweet Golf course, Never been a big fan of golf, and was really expensive to go on it, so never did have a go on this green.


Well kicking off my around the world tour with Spain. Spain is a place many people go, its cheap to fly to but doesnt mean its not beutiful aswell. Been to Spain many of times on your average pool and beach holiday. This was back in 2005. A nice Marina shot there of Portduquesa.

Friday, October 7, 2011



I've been to france twice, and was a bit too young to remember really. we went on a caravan holiday there, stayed in the indoor pool all day, think it was 2005 but im not sure? But anyway dont have any pictures to put on really, nothing fantastic, back then i didnt have a taste for travelling.

My 2nd time i went to PARIS! But was Disney land paris. Was fun i have to admit, im not a massive fan of Mickey mouse and stuff, but enjoyed the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' ride. Went on it just after the first film came out, loved it. There was some other good rides, a run away train ride and a space ship cimulator. As a kid i really enjoyed it. Be warned the ques are massive!!! As you would expect. We would que for about 2 hours for each ride. we eventully got fast pass tickets, which really helped.

So no pictures to put up. But i do plan to go back to France sometime, want to soak in the culture. Would like to go to Paris propperly, see the Eiffel Tower.

Put France on my list...

Alex Watson

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

An idiot abroad.

Dont know if any one outside the UK watched the programme 'an idiot abroad' on SKY 1. Its about a man, Carl Pilkington (may know him from the show 'The Ricky Gervais show') who hates doing things out of his comforts zone. His friends (well Known) Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant send him abroad to see the wonders of the world. Great experience. The thing is he hates every second of it, its so funny. But watching him visit the 7 wonders of the world is fantastic, i recommend people watch it. In series 2 which is now on on SKY 1 he is doing a bucket list, things to do before you die basically, really inspiring.

Link to the shows website here >

About ME!

Hello. My names Alex Watson. Currently i am 18 years old living in Kippax, Leeds, United Kingdom. Its not a glamorous place but its home. Im a nice guy part of a family of 5, have a pet Gecko and a dog, Have a beutiful Girlfriend, had some awsome mates though some have moved away now. I am currently at University on a Film and moving image production degree as i want to be a film maker. But i am looking to fill my life with great experiences which is why i want to travel the world. See the sites, smells, tastes, sounds of the planet. im trying to start young as each second could be my last (putting it negativly). I want to look back on my life and think "That was Brilliant" and travelling has been those memories that have made me say that.

I mainly created this blog as a way to share my photos, videos and experiences with people and give my view on the world. I wont be around forever but perhaps this blog will... Maybe... I hope...

So far in my world travels i have been to

- Scottland
- Whales
- England
- Portugal
- France
- Spain
- China
- Italy

Its just the begining.

I will put up posts of these holidays in the distant future. So if you are interested in travelling the world, or into photography or film making, than leave a comment and stuff.

Thanks. Alex