Wednesday, October 5, 2011

About ME!

Hello. My names Alex Watson. Currently i am 18 years old living in Kippax, Leeds, United Kingdom. Its not a glamorous place but its home. Im a nice guy part of a family of 5, have a pet Gecko and a dog, Have a beutiful Girlfriend, had some awsome mates though some have moved away now. I am currently at University on a Film and moving image production degree as i want to be a film maker. But i am looking to fill my life with great experiences which is why i want to travel the world. See the sites, smells, tastes, sounds of the planet. im trying to start young as each second could be my last (putting it negativly). I want to look back on my life and think "That was Brilliant" and travelling has been those memories that have made me say that.

I mainly created this blog as a way to share my photos, videos and experiences with people and give my view on the world. I wont be around forever but perhaps this blog will... Maybe... I hope...

So far in my world travels i have been to

- Scottland
- Whales
- England
- Portugal
- France
- Spain
- China
- Italy

Its just the begining.

I will put up posts of these holidays in the distant future. So if you are interested in travelling the world, or into photography or film making, than leave a comment and stuff.

Thanks. Alex

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