Friday, June 22, 2012

The Amphitheatre

There are many sites to see in Verona but the most famous has got to be the Amphitheatre. The large colosieum shaped opera stadium basically. I couldn't waite to see it but when i did i was suprised to see it wasn't as big as i imagined. Still impressive but i was expecting huge like that colosieum on the film 'Gladiator'.

It was fantastic though how it sat in the middle of this very modern Italian setting.

The architecture was also brilliant with its arches. It looked more like a museam though then a historical building though. Thats because its still open to the public.

Inside was more amazing! It did look huge from this angle! Reminded me off been in the Chinese olimpic stadium last year.

It was a bit of a shame the place was still a building site though. This historical looking part on top of the Amphitheatre was actully built recently, yet they built it to look old, i suppose it fits in with the rest of it but its kind of cheating.

But anyway it was an amazing place to see and gave the sense of the history of Italy with the Roman empire.

Panoramic view of the stadium in all its glory.

 They still put on operas here, must be amazing to see one in this kind of stadium. You can probbly hear it from outside as well, that would keep you up at night. Wonder what happens if it rains though?

This will of been where the emperor watched. Release the Tigers!

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