Monday, June 11, 2012

London bridge and the Guerkin building

Here is the Guerkin building though its actual name is St. Mary's axe. Looks more of a Guerkin than an axe so i see the reason behind its nick name.

Ive always wanted to see this building as when ever you see panning shots above the city of London on TV this is the building that always stands out. I dont know what they do in it but its a great piece of architecture and looks beautiful with the light shinning on it.

I love how the clouds reflect on the surface of its shell.

Is a great building and glad we saw it.

Another fantastic building we saw on a boat trip down the Thames. London likes its creative architecture.

Finally we saw London bridge and the tower of London. We didn't think the tower of London was that impressive but London bridge was as great as i imagined. sitting in the middle of the river Thames.

Was great to walk over it and watch the ships go under its draw bridge. After this we had seen most of the sites and are trip to London was complete. Was a great experience and gave me a passion for site seeing that i never knew i had.

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