Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crows nest Stadium

Next stop after the great wall was the Olimpic stadium! Perfectly named the Crows nest stadium. It was huge and here it is.

The building looked fantastic with its weaving iron structure it looked like a metalic nest, saddly there was no giant robot birds.

The city is called Olimpic city, something makes me think they changed the name for the olimpics.

The achitecture was unbelievble, a great piece of art.

Who designed this thing, its a tangle of twisted steel.

We went inside and here we are overlooking the Stadium. It was gigantic but you cant tell on photos. Was great to see since the last olimpic games was held here, wish it was on right now. But atleast next ones in England.

Which ones my seat?

Me doing a sort of epic run into the stadium as if i am the long awaited athlete the crowds have been waiting for. i can dream.

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