Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tiananmen square

Well here I am at Tiananmen square, the 3rd largest city square in the world and the famous site where the protests took place!

So much bad stuff happened here but everyone walks round happily. I suppose it's just history for them now but as a tourist the history stands out.

It was a big square i'll admit that but to be honest i imagined bigger for some reason.

Again we decided to venture down a back alley and again we found the gritty underbelly of bejing. Its nice to see this type of area in China, it gives you more insite into what its like to live here.
We visited a very busy market.

How did they let there telephone wires get so messed up, its like a spider web.

I like this photo it has a lot of character, grey streets and buildings with chinese lettering on it, with karts dotted around and a simple sign pointing to a Pharmacy.

We ended up back in busy streets eventully, lots more shops.

The square was huge but not much was actully going on, i thought there would be something, like a park in the middle or something.

Again we were getting stared at a lot and these Chinese guys wanted there photos taking with us! We said ok not really knowing why. Then we were asked by another Chinese couple for a photo with them. Did they think we were famous English celebrities on holiday? Maybe its just because we were english. If anyone wants to get a glimpse of celebrity life, go to china!

The other reason we was here was to see the Forbbidon city. A very iconic building just on the edge of the square.

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