Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bejing night time

Bejing in the day is one thing but it is different at night. All of a sudden everything is neon lit and very colourful.

Nice little restaurant we ate in. Very friendly staff they kept asking if we needed stuff, i needed the toilet and as expected it was a hole in the ground. luckily i only needed a wee.

Again been stared at here.

Such a beautiful place, again that is a stretch of markets selling Scorpions to snack on. We saw a guy buy a packet of Chiken feet, he ate them like crisps!

A hotel with neon green leaves all over it, you don't see that everyday!

Me after a few beers

We found a KFC! What are the odds. Beer over there is much bigger then over here. We saw a family buy 1 and share it, where as we bought 1 each and drank about 5. The bar had to go get more beer. haha

Yes China is everything i expected and I was loving it.

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