Friday, June 22, 2012

Giuliette's Balcony

Verona is ovcourse home to Romeo and Giuliette and the famous Giuliette's balcony is one of the main tourist attractions.

This is the Balcony. It does look nice and romantic and the setting is very beautful but i was expecting more really. People qued up to get there picture taken on it, but wasn't that great. You can't see on this picture but there are lots of people, its a very popular site.

I was more amazed at the wall of Love. On the tunnel down to the balcony there are two long white walls where people are aloud to write love messages on. Its a nice idea and very romantic. My girlfriend wasn't present but i scribbled us down.

Grafiti artists are all romantics.

It was a nice tribute to love and to show are appretiation for those we love, i enjoyed reading the messages.

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