Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Forbbiden city

We arrived at the grand entrance to The Forbbidon city with Chairman mao's picture above. There were lots of tour guides trying to get us to pay to go with them, we said no to a lot of them.

Its a fantastic looking red building and we couldn't waite to get in...

Did i say building, its a huge city! Inside the main entrance is a massive courtyard surrounded by the red brick of the city walls...

Through the next door another spectacular courtyard...

And then another! The city was huge, looks small from the entance but inside it goes on farer then the eye can see. Apparently the guy who lived here had many wives and each night he always slept in a new room, never the same one! Wonder which night he slept in the toilet?

Was a beautiful place to walk round and witness. Very Chinese with its curved, triangular buildings all decorated with stunning art, sculpture and carvings.

A top that mountain over there is the Summer palace. We didn't visit that though.

Each new courtyard is different then the last and all beautiful.

Great place to get a picture of me, but theres some kid break dancing in the back ground?

After the long treck through the city i sat and enjoyed a packet of monster munch, in tribute to Karl pilkington. After this we got one of those bike taxi's with the kart on the back home, was fun until the driver charged us the equivalant of £40! and practically snatched it off us! Beware they don't tell you the real price when you get in.

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